In 1694 Edward Pelling, chaplain to British royalty and the House of Lords, authored a book titled, A Practical Discourse Upon Humility. Humility is not in vogue in our churches today, although it is desperately needed. At one time in the church, men used to know that humility was a foundational Christian character trait, but such a worldly spirit has invaded the church today, that men seem almost oblivious to the necessity of humility in the genuine convert, and instead do not in the least try to hide their pride. They do not even seem to know that pride is of the devil. Some of the chapters are: The Usefulness of Humility, in respect of our Proficiency in Virtue; The Usefulness of Humility, in respect of the many Evils it preserves us from; The Suitableness of Humility to the Mind of Christ; How Humility is to be expressed, by not making our own Esteem the End of our Actions and by Submission to our Superiors; How Humility is to be expressed, by acknowledging our faults; How Humility is to be expressed, by being contented with such things as we have; How Humility is to be expressed, by keeping an Even Temper in a State of Prosperity, and more. Also included in the book is a powerful and humbling sermon by New England Puritan Cotton Mather titled The Dreadful Justice of God in Punishing Sin, with Sin. 157 pages. Hardback.
