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Anthony Burgess
Spiritual Refining: A Treatise of Grace & Assurance, Volumes 1 & 2
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If you have ALL THREE volumes of Spiritual Refining: The Anatomy of True and False Conversion then you have the material in these volumes. This set contains all 120 sermons from the original work published in 1652, in order, with the Greek text restored.
Sermons like these are unheard of today. They are not preached because the knowledge of true and false conversion and regeneration are unknown in our time. Conversion has been dumbed down to “Do you want to accept Jesus as your personal Savior? Repeat the words of this prayer.” Preaching on regeneration does not exist. In my opinion, this is one of the best works on true and false conversion ever written. Some of the sermons include: That Opposition Against and Abstinence from Sin is a Sign of Grace; Showing the Difference between True Assurance and Presumption; Fully Clearing That There May be Affections and Sweet Motions of Heart in Holy Things, Which Yet Evidence Not Grace, Nor Accompany Salvation; Zeal and Diligence in False Worship No Ground of Comfort; That Every Peaceable Frame of Heart, and Persuasion of God’s Love, Is Not a Sure Testimony of Saving Grace; The Difficulty, and in Some Sense Impossibility of Salvation Notwithstanding the Easiness Which Men Fancy to Themselves Thereof; Showing What the New Birth or Regeneration Is; Showing How Ignorant Men of Great Learning and Outward Righteousness in the World, May Be of Regeneration; The Ground of the Necessity of Regeneration is the Corruption of Men’s Nature; Laying Open the Counterfeits of a New Birth; Showing that the Production of the New Creature is from God alone, and what Attributes are conspicuous in the work; Showing the Counterfeit of the New Creature; Of the counterfeit of inherent Grace, viz. Natural honesty; and why God hath continued in wicked men the use of Conscience; To Undeceive Men that Think, Though They Live Wickedly, Yet They Shall Die Happily; and That God’s Grace of Conversion, is sometimes vouchsafed to the worst of men. All of the above sermons are from Volume 1. Volume 1 contains 460 pages. Volume 2 is 406 pages. Both volumes are hardbacks.
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